Draftsman VS Architect – Do You Know The Difference?


At RenovatePlans we are quite often asked the question “what is the difference between a draftsman and an architect?”.

There are many similarities. As with anything, there are also good/bad architects and good/bad draftsmen.

Before the rise of technology that is used in architectural professions known as CAD (Computer Aided Drafting) architects employed draftsmen to tidy sketch plans to save time. As time passed and technology grew and CAD became more accessible, architects no longer needed draftsmen.

Instead of becoming an extinct profession, architectural draftsmen increased their skill sets and evolved.

The 2 year TAFE course “Diploma of Building Design” teaches students a practical and efficient manner to design and achieve outcomes WITHIN Council regulations. Architects go through a 5 year university course which encompasses the artistic and creative expression of an individual, which is rarely translated into residential development. Due to the prolonged period of study required, architects charge more for their services.

According to the Building Designers Australia, 75-80% of residential work is done by building designers.

In conclusion, if you are looking at renovating, building a new home, duplex, granny flat, or even a shop fit out, selecting the right drafting company or draftsman is definitely a step in the right direction. There are good and bad architects and draftsmen, a decision should be based on comfort with the individual and their project history.


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